
Net return on sales (ROS)

Calculator based on the values ​​entered and net profit calculated return on sales ROS. ROS announces net income (after tax), attributable to every penny of products, goods and services.            

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ROCE - an indicator of the efficiency of investment

The calculator calculates ROCE on the basis of these pre-tax profits, total capital and current liabilities ROCE (called Return On Capital Employed) - an indicator of the efficiency and profitability of the investment, which is the capital of the company involved.            

The calculation wynagordzenia - wage calculator (service contract) in Poland

jak wyliczyć wynagrodzenie? jak obliczyć pensję? jak obliczyć wypłatę?
Wage Calculator (the service contract and work - power advances) calculates the net remuneration of civil contracts from the following gross salary.                                  

Gross-Net Calculator prices of goods and services in Poland

Jak obliczyć kwotę brutto z uwzględnieniem podatku VAT? Jak obliczyć kwotę netto z uwzględnieniem podatku VAT?
It allows you to calculate the amount of gross or net price including VAT
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Prolongation fee calculator

Calculates the amount of prolongation fee, based on the terms to defer payment and the amount of arrears. We assume that the interest rate is 7.25% (from 10.05.2012). Prolongation fee - the fee paid by the taxpayers, which, by virtue of the decision of the tax deferred or tax payment deadline laid on installment payment of the tax or tax arrears and interest on arrears     Enter the amount of \ u0119 in the \ u0142otych            

Convolution of two vectors

The calculator performs convolution of two vectors of the same length in the field of real numbers by zsuwową.

Size calculator added sugar to wine [brix scale]

Calculator allows to determine the amount of sugar needed to raise the level of its content in the wine to the expected level.      

Ideal gas equation

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Calculator floor panels

Calculator based on the dimensions of the area to put the panels and occupancy data on number of panels in one package, calculate how much you have to buy packages of panels to cover the entire room.