ROCE - an indicator of the efficiency of investment
The calculator calculates ROCE on the basis of these pre-tax profits, total capital and current liabilities ROCE (called Return On Capital Employed) - an indicator of the efficiency and profitability of the investment, which is the capital of the company involved.
The calculation wynagordzenia - wage calculator (service contract) in Poland
jak wyliczyć wynagrodzenie?
jak obliczyć pensję?
jak obliczyć wypłatę?
Wage Calculator (the service contract and work - power advances) calculates the net remuneration of civil contracts from the following gross salary.
Net return on sales (ROS)
Calculator based on the values entered and net profit calculated return on sales ROS. ROS announces net income (after tax), attributable to every penny of products, goods and services.
Gross-Net Calculator prices of goods and services in Poland
Jak obliczyć kwotę brutto z uwzględnieniem podatku VAT?
Jak obliczyć kwotę netto z uwzględnieniem podatku VAT?
It allows you to calculate the amount of gross or net price including VAT
Interest Calculator own (contractual)
The calculator calculates the amount of interest your / contract on the basis of the facts and the required payment date and the amount and percentage rate (annual, monthly, daily).
Settlement km - calculator, model in Poland
jak obliczyć kilometrówkę?
Calculator allows you to calculate the costs that can be refunded for use of a personal vehicle for business purposes.
Student loan repayment calculator in Poland
The calculator student loan payments incurred for the specified period.
Key indicator Return on assets (ROA)
Calculator based on the values entered in net profit and assets are calculated return on assets ROA. ROA is a measure of return on assets. This ratio indicates a company's ability (and more specifically - of its assets) to generate profit.
Redemption value calculator
Calculator based on the given amount of capital, the interest rate and the number of years calculated the approximate value of the redemption. The redemption value - part of the premiums paid in the form of financial resources, which is fixed in the contract returns a policyholder in case of cancellation of insurance before the end of the contract.
Limit calculator, which entitles them to exemption from VAT in Poland
Calculator allows you to see what gives you the right amount of turnover for exemption from VAT if you started a business during the year.
Investment Calculator - Calculate how much you can earn on the deposit
Ile można zarobić na lokacie?
Ile zarobię na lokacie?
Jak obliczyć lokatę?
After administration to allocate the amount of deposit, the interest rate and the period of capitalization rate calculator calculates how much money you can earn your deposit.
Interest coverage
Calculator to the data calculated interest coverage ratio. WPO - tells you how many times the possibility of payment of interest is higher than the interest burden. The higher the level, the company feels less burdensome to pay interest.
Calculator carat weight
Calculator calculates the weight of the ore from grams to carats, points, kilograms, milligrams and ounces.
Excise tax refund calculator in Poland
Calculator based on the specified value of the car, paid tax engine calculates the amount of refund of excise duty.
PV Calculator - The present value of the investment
PV Calculator helps us to calculate the current value of the investment or PV (ang.present value). PV Calculator calculates how much you need today, in the future, get the specified value after a certain number of years and accrue interest payable under the assumption that they will be capitalized (added to the principal) at a specified interval.