Investment Calculator - Calculate how much you can earn on the deposit
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After administration to allocate the amount of deposit, the interest rate and the period of capitalization rate calculator calculates how much money you can earn your deposit.
capitalization – a period of time, after which a further interest will be added to the state of your investments
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ROCE - an indicator of the efficiency of investment
The calculator calculates ROCE on the basis of these pre-tax profits, total capital and current liabilities ROCE (called Return On Capital Employed) - an indicator of the efficiency and profitability of the investment, which is the capital of the company involved.
The calculation wynagordzenia - wage calculator (service contract) in Poland
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Wage Calculator (the service contract and work - power advances) calculates the net remuneration of civil contracts from the following gross salary.
Net return on sales (ROS)
Calculator based on the values entered and net profit calculated return on sales ROS. ROS announces net income (after tax), attributable to every penny of products, goods and services.
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ROCE - an indicator of the efficiency of investment
The calculator calculates ROCE on the basis of these pre-tax profits, total capital and current liabilities ROCE (called Return On Capital Employed) - an indicator of the efficiency and profitability of the investment, which is the capital of the company involved.
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