Maximum Heart Rate
The calculator allows you to calculate the index of maximum heart rate (MHR) for your body
The maximum heart rate (HRmax) is the highest heart rate an individual can achieve without severe problems through exercise stress, and depends on age.
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Calculator Body Surface BSA (Body Surface Area)
Jak obliczyć swoje BSA?
Jak sprawdzić BSA?
The calculator calculates the BSA (Body Surface Area) by the formula Mosteller and Dubois.
Calculator burn calories (kcal). How many calories you burn a day?
Ile kalorii spalamy?
Ile kalorii potrzebuję?
The calculator calculates how many calories you burn per day based on the data entered.
BMR Calculator - Basic Metabolic - PPM
Jak obliczyć wskaźnik BMR / PPM ?
The calculator calculates the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). BMR - the lowest rate of metabolism that occur in the human body, necessary to sustain basic life functions, which is located in standby mode under complete peace of physical and mental comfort that the 12 hours before the test, do not eat any meals, after 3 days of diet and protein-free after at least eight hours of sleep.
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Jak policzyć izolację ścian?
Calculator allows you to calculate the amount of insulation panels needed to cover the walls of the building using the "light wet" or "dry light" methods.
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